It's a special month here at Deeds as we celebrate our 8th Birthday. We have a great team and are grateful to be able to continue to brew beers that we love to drink. It's been a long journey with plenty of challenges but we couldn't be prouder of where we are today.

8 years ago we started having our beers brewed at other people’s facilities (contracting) when we launched the brand Quiet Deeds. We contracted for 6 and 1/2 years and only started brewing in our Glen Iris brewery in February 2019. As part of that transition we rebranded to Deeds Brewing and shifted Quiet Deeds to a series as well as creating the Dark Deeds range. Simply put, our dark beers were labelled Dark Deeds everything else was labelled Quiet Deeds.

Since February 2019 we’ve launched over 60 different beers and many unique series of beers including: The Four Horseman, Milk Bar, Don’t Know About That Hop, Daydreaming, and Intergalactic Lovechild to name a few. With the plan to continue launching new limited and innovative beers and in turn more series, our brand has become somewhat complicated. I compare it to the movie Inception. Like a dream within a dream, having a series within a series has been hard to follow at times. As a result we’ve made the decision Because of this we’ve decided to move away from Quiet Deeds and Dark Deeds and focus on Deeds Brewing. Even though we are retiring Quiet Deeds and Dark Deeds our dazzle patterns and distinctive packaging will look very much the same but less busy as you can see below:

As an ode to our origins, we’ve named our birthday beer “A Quiet Deed”. This beer showcases what we’ve learnt over the past year of experimenting with beer. A Quiet Deed is a big, bold, Hazy TIPA with 8 types of hops, one for each year we’ve been around, representing our intention to continue experimenting and pushing the limits of what we can pack into a can. And, of course, you can’t have a birthday without a cake so we’ve brewed a second birthday beer, aptly flavoured and titled “Pavlova”.

Lastly, I want to send a big shout out to all our new and old fans for supporting us along the way, we appreciate every one of you and we look forward to welcoming you down at our Taproom for a celebratory beer later in the year.


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