Blur Vines was our first ever Double IPA brewed for GABS back in 2017
It was experimental to say the least in that it was a heavily dry hopped DIPA and then during fermentation Sauvignon Blanc grape must was added into the fermenter. The mix of malt and grape is a path fraught with pitfalls, but if you make it through, a very tasty flavour can be had.
We’ve been itching to brew it again, and now that we are up and running in Glen Iris, the time has come. The wine must arrived last week and after a quick sample it went right into the fermenter. Tasting absolutely delicious!
It is a juicy Hazy Double IPA, dry hopped at a rate of 18g/L with Nelson Sauvin, Citra and Galaxy. It pours with a vibrant golden colour; aromas of white wine, fresh gooseberries and tropical fruit. The flavour from the juice acts as a perfect complement to the intense hop flavours.
Enjoy as part of our Double Can Release in September with Survivor Type!
Cheers and Drink Fresh!