The words Survivor Type have stuck with me for a long time. Always in the back of my head, not just as a “this could be a great beer name,” but also as a little bit of a motto when you need that push to keep going. Things are a bit tough, whether its with work or at home, I get a whisper in the back of my head, “Are you a survivor type?” Are you going to keep going?
“Are you a Survivor Type?” In other words, will you do whatever it takes? Whatever it takes to get the job done? At Deeds Brewing, our job is to forcefully pack massive flavor into a little tin can. A little can that we want to immediately crack open because you don’t want to contain that flavor for too long. Best to let it out immediately upon purchasing a can.
As we continue to push the limits of our system in Glen Iris, the natural evolution from DIPA is the famed TIPA. A tricky step up as any Triple IPA’s come with heavy booze, or a huge malt character, which results in more of an American Style (hopped) Barleywine. We decided we wanted to keep it smooth. A hint of that 10.5% ABV, but a smooth well rounded mouthfeel, and hops oh glorious hops.
Survivor Type represents our dedication to taking this job to the next level. Pale Malt, Flaked Wheat, Malted Wheat, and Oat Malt give us a thick, creamy haze paired with a light on 60 IBUs is brought all together by a 31 g/ L dry hop of two of our favorite hops: Galaxy and Motueka. It’s the biggest dry hop we’ve done to date, but we found a way. That’s because we believe in whatever it takes.
May this be your desert island beer. Drink it and ask yourself again, “Am I a Survivor Type?”
Enjoy and Drink Fresh!