Every time I read the name or say the name for this beer, I immediately start singing the Beastie Boys. It wasn’t intentional, but man is it consistent.
I’ll say in short prior to my ramblings below that this beer is extremely exciting for us. It’s a chance to play in a space that we have been talking about for way to long. And it was our Senior Brewer Ned who really paved the way for it to become a reality. In fact, the first step in multiple realities. So, for this adventure we tip our hat to the man.
Intergalactic Lovechild, just like the name implies, is a beer of multiple origins. The name first got thrown around when Cosmic Gateway was taking shape and ultimately ended up on the list that I’m sure every brewery has of names for beer that are good but didn’t quite fit the moment.
Fast forward six or so months from that time and we find ourselves sitting on the dusty, grubby, couches that we hope management doesn’t throw out when the tap room comes on line. Whilst on these couches, we are talking about our upcoming release calendar, throwing around some ideas when Ned says we should finally do a Sour Hazy Double IPA. Hushed tones follow as we discuss the ins and outs of doing it in such a way to avoid the clash, the one between hops and lactic acid that so defines many offerings in this space. Above all else, we needed to avoid this clash.
A plan was formed and the recipe was created.
Citra. Simcoe Cryo. Front and center. 18g/L on the dry hop end. A tasty tart finish, bubbling on the tip of the tongue. You beauty. I can practically taste it now. . . in fact I am as I write this.
Orders came from up high that we needed a name ASAP as we were already behind on our label deadline. A common theme for us, but we are improving. I think. At least that’s what I keep telling myself!
Bringing together two different styles of beer into a pleasant finish – it truly was an Intergalactic Lovechild and the name literally leapt off the list at us. So, in the end it all came together and we couldn’t be happier.
The beer isn’t mouth puckeringly sour, and quite frankly that’s not what we wanted. We wanted it to be subtle and nuanced. We wanted something that though hoppy and sour, was smashable at 8%. We hope that you want this too because we really want to brew more of these.
Will the next iteration evolve further? Absolutely! Because that’s what we want to do. Always moving forward and making beer that we want to drink.
Cheers everyone! And put it in your head.